My Book Cover and Title

I would love feedback on my cover and title. What do you like what don’t you like and what could be more clear.

The book is a memoir of my life focusing on my diagnosis of bipolar and creating balance with my new self and how others with mental illness can accept their diagnosis and create balance too.

Also if you would like to be part of my launch group and receive a free copy of the book and help promote please join me here:

EDIT: I should mention my amazing cover artist is my sister in law Ariel Edwards.

Also I’m considering other sub titles such as replacing “ups and downs” with bipolar or mental health.

A Hilarious Afternoon with Love and Logic

Friday I went shopping with all of my available kids twice! I forgot that my friend who can’t drive a car right now needed to go shopping too. When I got home she texted me and even though I was just done shopping, I piled the kids in the car and headed back to the store with her to go shopping.

Before leaving, I finished up balancing my budget and entering my receipts in Ibotta. I got back $16.25 and only spent $80!!!! That part was awesome.

So I piled my three girls in the backseat and went to pick up my friend and away we went. I had bought the girls new water bottles that day and they were guzzling down water on the way there. As soon as we got there Taylia asked for the bathroom so we split up and I took her to go. We then met back up and here comes the love and logic piece. I told my girls “I let girls stay in the store with me who don’t cause problems”. It was a perfect opportunity for a lesson in store behavior since I didn’t need to be in the store. I had already shopped.

Addison tested first and I warned more than is advisable but as soon as she started screaming we took off outside. Taylia was upset saying but I didn’t cause problems but she needed to come with me. I took her hand and she was calming telling me “I’m going to bite you if you don’t let me stay!” I eventually let go and she followed me luckily. Addy of course screamed bloody murder the whole way.

As soon as we got to the car I buckled up Addy and waited outside for a bit. I then discovered Rachel had had a blow out. So I changed her diaper on the front seat and then threw it away. I had been smart and parked by the cart collection which had a trash. Then Addy said “I won’t cause any more pwobelems (problems)” I had the presence of mind to say “I know you won’t and I’m happy to let you try again next time.”

Then after letting Addy out she wanted to change her wet diaper so back to the trash I went all while the women in the car across from me is watching me I’m sure thinking I’m crazy. When I get back Addy had peed on her pants. So I put them aside and put on a diaper for her. Then Taylia says she has to pee again. There is no way I’m going back inside so I give her a diaper and help her put it on. She pees in it and I’m out throwing away yet another diaper.

By this time we have run into our bishop the leader of our church, his son and family, the relief society presidency member who is my friend and my other friend texted she was there too and she is my visiting teacher. They of course are all asking if I need help lol. “no, I’m just having a Love and Logic lesson.”

So then my poor friend has trouble with her transaction and it takes longer than anticipated but we make it home and after dropping her off my daughter goes into manipulation 101 saying how it’s not fair she can’t go to her school carnival and I’m saying “I know…” My Love and Logic brain dead parent phrase to avoid arguing. Then come to find out later the carnival was cancelled due to weather.

I just have to laugh at the ridiculousness of the day. But I came out in one piece and I didn’t lose my temper or yell! Progress!!